Why A Business Card Is Important For Your Corporate Identity

Why A Business Card Is Important For Your Corporate Identity

Your business card is an indispensable tool to identify your business. Here’s why you should always have it with you wherever you go – and how to make a good one.

It’s almost a faux pas if you don’t have your business card with you.

Everyday you meet new people. You network with the big guys in your industry. You attend numerous events.

Why? Because people are going to ask for it!


Imagine yourself being in an engaging discussion with your potential clients, customers, stakeholders, and other prospects. What are going to answer when they ask, “Do you have a card?

When you go to these kinds of events and come in empty-handed, it can hurt both your reputation and your corporate identity. With your business card in hand, you give yourself an edge against your competitors. As a visual identity, the card acts like a mini-cv that’s specially designed to communicate what your business is all about.

What are you selling? Why should people buy from you? Simply answer these questions by handing out your business card.

Why Business Cards?


Even in this digital age, business cards still exist – they’re inexpensive and easy to keep. The more unique a business card is, the likelier people are to keep it.

For this reason, businesses are starting to realize they should emphasize on quality design. Considering the business card is the first line of exposure your company has, it becomes more critical to add a personal touch on your overall marketing strategy.

Every professional keeps a stash of business cards they receive from conferences, seminars, trade shows and fairs. In order for your business cards to work its best for you, it’s your job to make it stand out from the stash, not let it be buried in the trash.

This means professionalism, readability, and most importantly, being memorable. All these can be done within one business card. Read on for our suggestions on making a good one.

How to Make a Good Business Card

1. Include your brand logo


As a visual representation of your brand, your logo is the image of who you are and what you do. It takes a lot of self-reflection to visualize your brand philosophy – what’s the tone and style you’re looking for? Provide a supporting typeface for your logo to resemble this philosophy. You want to implant this idea in the back of the public’s mind, and with your brand logo, it’s easier for you to consistently project your brand image through some smart marketing. Aside from having it printed on your business card, include your logo in every promotional material you distribute to the public. Take a look on some awesome logo created in sribu.

2. Develop a catchy tagline


Sometimes, your brand message does’t come immediately apparent for first-time buyers, especially when you have an abstract brand name. Complete your logo with a slogan to better tell others what your company is all about. Much like whenever you post a sticky-note on your dashboard, aim to make your wording stick when prospects first read your business card.

3. Find your signature colors


The most memorable people are the most original ones. Play around with the color wheel and create the kind of visual appeal that reflects your brand personality. Be careful not to go too wild, though. It’s safer for you to stick to a limited palette as you can stand out from the sea of rainbows. Once you’ve chosen a particular set of colors, stick to it long enough to allow your customers to identify your brand and attach themselves to your products and services.

4. Be super clear


It’s hard to fit in everything about your company on a little canvas – the standard size goes up to only 3 inches by 2.5 inches. Take some time to put together a great design that incorporates the look and feel of your company. A winning business card design is simple – it helps to clearly communicate two things: What you do and how to reach you. Your card holders should be able to easily read your name, position, and contact information. Be creative with your colors: Provide everything from your business card, letterhead, and envelope a smooth, signature finish so that they all look and feel as part of one piece.

5. Print on good card-stock

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Just like you, your prospects and customers are constantly meeting new people in your industry. Your goal is to be the first thing they see and the last thing they remember from their stash of business cards. Since nobody wants to keep a flimsy card in their pocket, it’s important for you to prevent this mishap from happening in the first place. Cheap printing automatically gives a bad impression about you – they’ll question how serious you are about your business. Either you invest in a good printer or get it printed professionally on heavyweight paper.

Remember: Leave behind a good impression for your prospects. It’s worth it.

Need a good business card design for your corporate identity? Sribu is the best choice for your design need. Here’s why!

Ryan Gondokusumo
Ryan adalah CEO dan Founder dari Sribu.com. 11 tahun pengalaman di management, product development, strategic dan digital marketing